now, usually when i visit a city for the first time, i like to speak to the concierge desk at my hotel just to get an idea of what there is to do and to see in their city...and usually it's given me a great headstart on where i should go to see the sights, but Houston was a little different:
Mitch: "G'day, I've never been to Houston before, what do you think i should go and do?"
Concierge With Southern Drawl: "Oh, right, well son, there's not a great deal to see here in Houston. Houston's a business city!"
Mitch: "Oh, i see, ok, well is there any historic sights worth seeing?"
Concierge With Southern Drawl: "Well there's a park across the road..."
Mitch: "Oh, good. Yes, that's, very nice. Ok, how about a shopping mall?"
Concierge With Southern Drawl: "Well, there's a supermarket about 2 miles from here, I can organise a free courtesy bus to take you there?
Mitch: "Well, uh sure, i've never met a supermarket i haven't liked before..."
So, it seems like Houston's not the most exciting city in the world, but that's not to say i didn't have fun. And isn't there an ancient Chinese proverb that goes something like "Only boring people get bored", so i was happy to walk around Houston making my own fun, (even if that means doing handstands on fences). So i won't say that i necessarily had any adventures in Houston, but i
did buy the obligatory fridge magnet for the collection, and that's always fun, right?
here are the photos:
stay tuned, next week: VIENNA!!!
let the good times roll!!
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