back in newcastle with the family and friends! (that's Newcastle, Australia -- and
not Newcastle, UK, home of the Earl Grey Tea)
i'm not really articulate enough to satisfactorily describe how good it was to be back in my home town surrounded by all these amazing people, so if you can just use your own words to tell yourself that i had an incredibly good time, then i'll think that will do just nicely, thank you
i'd been dreaming about when i would next get a chance to see all these people, so this trip just put the biggest smile on my head
for the past few months, i've been putting an extreme pressure on myself to seek out adventures and make sure that i'm well and truly taking advantage of the opportunities that have put themselves in front of me, so for this trip to sydney and newcastle, i well and truly just relaxed, forgot about the adventures, and just revelled in the familiar
-- oh, and of course i bought the obligatory fridge magnet for the collection
-- oh, and i got a hair cut, because if your best mate is the best hairdresser in the world and you don't get a haircut from her, then i have no sympathy for you
here are the photos:
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